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Neural Engineering for Prosthetics & Orthotics Lab
Our research focuses on developing neural control systems for upper and lower prosthetics.
Hand Rehabilitation Lab
The primary goal our research is to develop new techniques and devices to facilitate functional use of the hand after stroke. Toward this end we are investigating the underlying sensorimotor control of the hand, the changes that occur after stroke, and the factors that influence rehabilitation.
Translational Cell Therapy Lab
Studying the relationship between adult stem/progenitor cell dysfunction and age-related degeneration.
Midwest Regional Spinal Cord Injury Care System (MRSCICS)
The Shirley Ryan AbilityLab & Northwestern Memorial (known as the Midwest Regional Spinal Cord Injury Care System) has been chosen by NIDILRR as one of 14 SCI Model System Centers.
Translational Biomedicine Lab
Our research group specializes in utilizing techniques from molecular and cell biology, genetics, and various experimental models. Our focus is on identifying new biomarkers and potential molecules to support rehabilitation in patients with neurological and neuromuscular conditions.
Neuromuscular Control Lab
Our lab is focused on the mechanisms underlying the multijoint control of movement and posture in able-bodied individuals and in individuals with neuromotor pathologies. Specifically, we are interested in understanding the relative contributions of intrinsic muscle properties, limb geometry and neural activation in the control of whole limb function.
Tresch Neuromechanics Lab
We study the strategies underlying the neural control of movement, examining how neural control interacts with the mechanical properties of the body.
Muscle Physiology Lab
We investigate muscle fiber and tendon properties in neurological impairments and sports-related injuries.
Pediatric Muscle Physiology Lab
We study muscle stem cells in impaired musculoskeletal growth and muscle metabolism in children with cerebral palsy.
Regenerative Neurorehabilitation Laboratory
This lab uses a combination of molecular, biochemical, and electrophysiological assays to study axon regeneration and motor neuron disease with a priority on human preclinical models such as iPSC-neurons.
RRTC: Employment and Disability
This lab is for the Rehabilitation Research and Training Center (RRTC) on Employment for People with Physical Disabilities.