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Leave a Legacy


Thank you for your interest in learning more about making a special gift to Shirley Ryan AbilityLab. Your gift will help sustain and enhance a wide variety of programs, all of which bring the hospital’s world-class resources into the broader communities we serve. We are deeply grateful for your support and belief in our mission and vision.

There are many ways you can make a gift that also:

  • Complements and supplements your current and future financial and wealth-transfer goals;
  • Expresses your gratitude or appreciation to our clinicians and scientists;
  • Creates an enduring legacy, connecting you with our mission and vision in perpetuity.

As you consider these ideas, please know that our Advancement Team has extensive gift-planning expertise and is available to talk with you (and your advisors, if you wish) to plan a gift that ultimately aligns with your personal values, planning needs and charitable aspirations. We would be honored to partner with you on this journey. With your gift, you will be recognized as a member of our Planned Giving Circle.

For more information, or to begin a confidential conversation, please contact Julie Captain at 312.238.8083, or

Ways to Leave a Legacy

Bequest Provisions Through Your Will/Trust


Many individuals find comfort in knowing precisely how their estate will be distributed after death. You can designate all or a portion of your estate to benefit family, friends and charitable organizations. This option allows you to make significant gifts to the causes that are important to you without making financial sacrifices during your lifetime.

To make a charitable provision for Shirley Ryan AbilityLab, you and your attorney may want to consider using the language below in your will or trust. Alternatively, if you recently updated your estate plans, we can provide a codicil form that you and your attorney may want to use to supplement your existing plans.

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“I give and bequeath $_____ or ___% of my estate to the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago d/b/a Shirley Ryan AbilityLab, an Illinois not-for-profit corporation, as an unrestricted gift.”

Legal Name:
Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago d/b/a Shirley Ryan AbilityLab
355 East Erie Street
Chicago, Illinois  60611

Tax ID #:36-2256036

Should your plans include restricting your gift for a particular program, please contact Julie Captain at 312.238.8083 to discuss. We want to ensure that your gift-restriction language is accurate and that the Shirley Ryan AbilityLab can appropriately steward your wishes in the future. After you have completed your bequest, please contact Julie Captain at 312.238.8083, so that we may thank you personally for your foresight and include you as part of our Planned Giving Circle.

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Retirement Assets


Retirement assets, including IRA or 401(k) assets, can fund outright gifts (for donors 70 ½ years of age and older), as well as deferred gifts, both options offering highly attractive tax benefits. Often, individuals are surprised to see that the value of their retirement plans has grown substantially, and that the increased value can be used philanthropically. Also called a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD), this gift allows a donor to avoid payment of income tax on the withdrawal or the excise tax penalty for skipping.

  • Outright Gifts: Donors 70 ½ years of age or older can make direct, outright gifts from their IRAs to Shirley Ryan AbilityLab. Considered Charitable IRA Rollover gifts, these transfers are easy for donors. Simply contact your IRA custodian to authorize your rollover gift, up to $105,000, per year. Donors avoid paying income tax on the withdrawal from their IRA account, and therefore, are not eligible for a charitable gift deduction. Beginning in the year you turn 73, you can use your gift to satisfy all or a part of your required minimum distribution (RMD). For assistance, contact our office for additional support.
  • Legacy Gifts: Donors at any age can also name Shirley Ryan AbilityLab as a beneficiary of their retirement asset, for a specific dollar amount or percentage. This type of testamentary gift ensures that a donor can use their retirement asset during life and also make a gift that extends one's legacy. To make this kind of gift, simply contact your retirement asset custodian, request a beneficiary designation form and update it.

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Insurance is an important financial and estate-planning tool that can also be a powerful partner in charitable gift planning. Paid insurance policies can be effective assets to donate as a charitable gift. Plus, in many gift-planning scenarios, donors can use insurance to replace and preserve wealth for heirs, thereby replacing the value of the asset the donor contributed.

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Gifts of Real Estate


Real estate often comprises a large portion of a person’s estate. Nearly all types of real estate can be contributed: your primary residence, a vacation home, undeveloped land, a farm or commercial property. Donors receive the best tax treatment when the property is clear of any debt. There are also ways for you to give your home, retaining the right to live in it during your lifetime — and all while potentially enjoying current tax benefits.

If you are considering a gift of real property, it is very important to discuss your ideas and intentions with a member of the Shirley Ryan AbilityLab Advancement Team prior to entering into any gift transaction. This discussion is critical to make sure your gift is one that Shirley Ryan AbilityLab can receive and properly steward. Additionally, all gifts of real property are subject to review and formal acceptance by the hospital’s CEO and Board of Directors Chair. We respectfully reserve the right to decline a gift of real property that is deemed too burdensome or costly to manage.

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Thank You for Your Consideration


We invite all donors who have made any type of legacy gift to be a part of our Planned Giving Circle. Please contact Julie Captain at 312.238.8083 to share information about your gift so that we can thank you, honor you and include you as a special member of our family moving forward. Your commitment to Shirley Ryan AbilityLab represents a lasting legacy we will honor for years to come.

With your gift, we can ensure that every patient has access to resources that will help them achieve better outcomes — here at Shirley Ryan AbilityLab and beyond. We thank you for your consideration.


For more information, or to begin a confidential conversation, please contact:

Julie Captain, CFRE, CAP®
Associate Vice President, Advancement
Shirley Ryan AbilityLab
355 East Erie
Chicago, Illinois  60611

This information is provided as general, educational information and should not be construed as legal advice. Please check with your attorney on how these topics apply to your personal situation.

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