Following spinal cord injury, peripheral nerve injury, and various upper motor neuron lesions, techniques like surgical tendon transfers can be utilized to restore function and correct joint deformities. The data collected within this body of research demonstrates the impact such an intervention can have on restoring an individual's functional independence.

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- The mechanical strength of side-to-side tendon repair with mismatched tendon size and shape.
- The effect of intrinsic loading and reconstruction upon grip capacity and finger extension kinematics.
- Intrinsic hand muscle function, part 1: creating a functional grasp.
- Intrinsic hand muscle function, part 2: kinematic comparison of 2 reconstructive procedures.
- Functional consequence of distal brachioradialis tendon release: a biomechanical study.
- Muscle excursion does not correlate with increased serial sarcomere number after muscle adaptation to stretched tendon transfer.
- Moment arms of the human digital flexors.
- Quantification of partial or complete A4 pulley release with FDP repair in cadaveric tendons.