Featured Publications


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Performance-based and patient-reported outcome measures for custom ankle-foot orthosis users: reliability, validity, and sensitivity evidence

Satisfaction, user experiences, and initial efficacy of a technology-supported self-management intervention (iSMART) to improve post-stroke functioning: a remoted randomized controlled trial.


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Enhancing data standards to advance translation in spinal cord injury.

Person-, Job-, and Environment-Related Factors Associated with Long-Term Job Retention of People with Physical Disabilities.

Wheelchair Repairs: Delays, Causes, and Associated Outcomes.

Facilitators and barriers to employment for people with adult-onset physical disabilities: results from a U.S.A. survey.

A Literature Review of Nutrition Knowledge Measurement Items Used in Persons Living with Spinal Cord Injuries and Disorders

Methods for Estimating Costs for Stays at Inpatient Rehabilitation Facilities and Long-Term Care Hospitals.

Nonresponse Bias on Inpatient Rehabilitation Hospitals’ Experience of Care Quality Measure Scores

Forecasting the Economic Burden of Cardiovascular Disease and Stroke in the United States Through 2050: A Presidential Advisory From the American Heart Association.

Cross-setting Comparison of Risk Factors for Pressure Injuries Acquired in Post-Acute Care.

Applying PEOP to Develop an Intervention Framework for Employment in Parkinson's Disease.

Near real-time patient experience feedback with data relay to providers: a systematic review of its effectiveness.

Facilitators and barriers to employment for people with physical disabilities: A cross-sectional study.

Self-Directed Home and Community-Based Services Improve Outcomes for Family Caregivers: A Systematic Review.

Systemic Barriers Hinder Person-Centered Home and Community Based Services (HCBS): Perspectives of Service Users and Professionals

Overcoming Barriers to Recruitment and Retention of Research Participants with Aphasia

Consumer Direction and Family Caregiver Outcomes: A Systematic Review

Defining Trajectories of Linguistic, Cognitive-Communicative and Quality of Life Outcomes in Aphasia: Longitudinal Observational Study Protocol

The effect of physical and team-focused implementation strategies on researcher attitudes toward clinician-researcher collaboration

Reply to "Letter on Spasticity Predicts Motor Recovery in Motor Complete Spinal Cord Injury".

Reliability and Validity of the Minimum Data Set 3.0 Standardized Self-Care and Mobility Data Elements Among Long-Stay Nursing Home Residents.

A Digital Intervention to Promote Self-Management Self-Efficacy Among Community-Dwelling Individuals With Stroke: Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial

Factors associated with perceived social isolation among veterans with spinal cord injury and disorders: Cross sectional survey.

Naloxone-Prescribing Practices in a Freestanding Rehabilitation Hospital.

Intraindividual variability in post-stroke cognition and its relationship with activities of daily living and social functioning: an ecological momentary assessment approach.

Effectiveness of behavioral and pharmacological interventions for depressive symptoms following spinal cord injury: Findings from a systematic review


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Text messaging intervention for fatigue self-management in people with stroke, spinal cord injury, and multiple sclerosis: A pilot study

Operational changes to the lupus intervention fatigue trial as a result of COVID-19: An update to the study protocol.

Financial hardship is associated with employment challenges and reduced quality of life in early Parkinson’s disease

Post-stroke depressive symptoms and cognitive performances: A network analysis.

Hospital Transfer Rates among Long-Stay Nursing Home Residents: Variation by Day of the Week.

Spasticity Predicts Motor Recovery for Patients with Subacute Motor Complete Spinal Cord Injury.

Using Intervention Mapping and Behavior Change Techniques to Develop a Digital Intervention for Self-Management in Stroke: Development Study.

Feasibility of PROMIS using computerized adaptive testing during inpatient rehabilitation

Commentary on the Position Statement "Delirium Among Orthopedic or Rehabilitative Patients".

Functional Cognition: Distinct From Fluid and Crystallized Cognition?

Characteristics and Outcomes of Medicare Patients Treated in Inpatient Rehabilitation Facilities: 2013-2018.

Informal Caregivers' Perceptions of Facilitators of Successful Weight Management for People With Spinal Cord Injury.

Reliability and Validity of the Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility Discharge Mobility and Self-Care Quality Measures.

Self-efficacy trajectories of individuals newly diagnosed with multiple sclerosis.

Promoting Evidence-Based Practice: The Influence of Novel Structural Change to Accelerate Translational Rehabilitation.

Validation of the Standardized Function Data Elements among Medicare Skilled Nursing Facility Residents.

Standing Balance Among Older Adults With and Without Cognitive Impairment

Global Statements to Produce and Implement Evidence in the Post-COVID-19 Era Provide a Path Forward for Rehabilitation - A Joint Initiative of Cochrane Rehabilitation and the Leading Journals in the Field.

Cross-setting Comparison of Risk Factors for Pressure Injuries Acquired in Post-Acute Care.

Mind-Body Intervention for Dysfunctional Breathing in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: Feasibility Study and Lessons Learned.

Multisite Hebbian Plasticity Restores Function in Humans with Spinal Cord Injury

Cost-effectiveness analysis of overground robotic training versus conventional locomotor training in people with spinal cord injury.

Adult outcomes for children who sustained firearm-related spinal cord injuries.

Wheelchair service provision education for healthcare professional students, healthcare personnel and educators across low- to high-resourced settings: a scoping review.


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Cost Implications of Insurance Associated Disparities in Post-Acute Traumatic Brain and Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation.

Global statements to produce and implement evidence in the post-COVID-19 era provide a path forward for rehabilitation: A joint initiative of Cochrane Rehabilitation and the leading journals in the field.

Mental Health After Spinal Cord Injury: Findings from Focus Groups with People with SCI

Using Job Accommodations for a Return to Work - Clinicians’ Role

The Organizational Factors that Impact Employment: Agreed-Upon Barrier and Facilitators

Pressure Injury Risk Assessment and Associations in an Adult Inpatient Rehabilitation Sample- Retrospective Cohort Study

Associations Between Functioning Recovery, Employment, and Neighborhood Disadvantage in People With Spinal Cord Injury

Speech and Language Teletherapy Services During The COVID-19 Pandemic: A National Survey

Employment Challenges in Parkinson's Disease are Associated With Financial Hardship and Reduced Quality of Life

Experiences with COVID-19 Pandemic in the Spinal Cord Injury Community

Measuring Satisfaction With Upper Limb Prostheses: Orthotics and Prosthetics User Survey Revision That Includes Issues of Concern to Women.

Developing a National Trauma Research Action Plan: Results from the long-term outcomes research gap Delphi survey.

Service-Delivery Competencies in Home and Community-Based Services Needed to Achieve Person-Centered Planning and Practices: A Systematic Review.

The Upper Extremity Functional Scale for Prosthesis Users (UEFS-P): subscales for one and two-handed tasks.

Disability Phenotypes and Job Accommodations Utilization Among People with Physical Disability.

Using Implementation Science to Guide the Process of Adapting a Patient Engagement Intervention for Inpatient Spinal Cord Injury/Disorder Rehabilitation.

Quality Measure Concepts for Inpatient Rehabilitation That Are Best Understood From the Patient's Perspective.

Employers’ Perceptions of Challenges and Strategies in Hiring, Retaining, and Promoting Employees With Physical Disabilities

Using remote learning to teach clinicians manual wheelchair skills: a cohort study with pre- vs post-training comparisons.

Cognition and Daily Life Activities in Stroke: A Network Analysis.

A novel measure of developing countries' agricultural and food policy readiness

Employment Consequences of COVID-19 for People with Disabilities and Employers.

Amputation-specific and generic correlates of participation among Veterans with lower limb amputation.

Rasch Reporting Guideline for Rehabilitation Research (RULER): the RULER Statement.

Why and How to Demonstrate the Value of Rehabilitation Services.

Reporting Guideline for RULER: Rasch Reporting Guideline for Rehabilitation Research: Explanation and Elaboration.

Theory-Based Self-Management Interventions for Community-Dwelling Stroke Survivors: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.

Cost-Effectiveness of High-intensity Training vs Conventional Therapy for Individuals With Subacute Stroke.

Psychometric analysis of the behavioral assessment screening tool (BAST) in adults with stroke.

Designing a screening battery for exercisers with Parkinson's disease.

Ecological Momentary Assessment of Real-World Functional Behaviors in Individuals With Stroke: A Longitudinal Observational Study.

The Effectiveness of Behavioral Interventions in Adults with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder during Clinical Rehabilitation: A Rapid Review.

Change in Self-Care Quality Measure for Inpatient Rehabilitation Facilities: Exclusion Criteria and Risk-Adjustment Model.

Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility Patients' Functional Abilities and Validity Testing of the Standardized Self-Care and Mobility Data Elements.

A Postacute Care Function Process Quality Measure for the Collection of Standardized Self-Care and Mobility Data: Development, Implementation, and Quality Measure Scores.

Smartphone assessment uncovers real-time relationships between depressed mood and daily functional behaviors after stroke.

Development of the German social attitude barriers and facilitators to participation-scales: an analysis according to the Rasch model.

Effect of Exercise and Rehabilitation Therapy on Risk of Hospitalization in Parkinson's Disease.

Implementing Patient-Reported Outcome Measures in Inpatient Rehabilitation: Challenges and Solutions.

Reporting Guideline for RULER: Rasch Reporting Guideline for Rehabilitation Research: Explanation and Elaboration.

Rasch Reporting Guideline for Rehabilitation Research (RULER): the RULER Statement.

Health Promotion and Wellness in Neurologic Physical Therapy: Strategies to Advance Practice.

Factors Influencing Incidence of Wheelchair Repairs and Consequences Among Individuals with Spinal Cord Injury.

Who Moves After SCI? Individual, Health, and Neighborhood Predictors of Residential Mobility Among Participants in the National Spinal Cord Injury Model Systems Database.

Efficacy of a Remote Train-the-Trainer Model for Wheelchair Skills Training Administered by Clinicians: A Cohort Study With Pre- vs Posttraining Comparisons.

Rehabilitation Length of Stay, Body Mass Index, and Functional Improvement Among Adults With Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury.

Current Research Outcomes From the Spinal Cord Injury Model Systems.

Mortality Beyond the First Year After Spinal Cord Injury: Does Body Mass Index Matter?

Effectiveness of Group Wheelchair Maintenance Training for People with Spinal Cord Injury: A Randomized Controlled Trial.

Factors Influencing Incidence of Wheelchair Repairs and Consequences Among Individuals with Spinal Cord Injury.

Changes in Internet Use Over Time Among Individuals with Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury.

Current Research Outcomes From the Spinal Cord Injury Model Systems.

Characterizing the Experience of Spasticity after Spinal Cord Injury: A National Survey Project of the Spinal Cord Injury Model Systems Centers.

Predicting Duration of Outpatient Physical Therapy Episodes for Individuals with Spinal Cord Injury Based on Locomotor Training Strategy.

Quality of Life and Psychosocial Factors as Predictors of Pain Relief Following Nerve Surgery.

Wheelchair backs that support the spinal curves: Assessing postural and functional changes.

Motivational interviewing intervention for increasing physical activity and improving dietary behaviors: The Lupus Intervention Fatigue Trial protocol.

Associations between exercise classes and self-reported exercise by people with Parkinson's disease at Parkinson's foundation centers of excellence.

Construct validity of the enfranchisement scale of the community participation indicators.

Validation of the Spinal Cord Injury-Functional Index for Use in Community-Dwelling Individuals With SCI.

Construct validity of the enfranchisement scale of the community participation indicators.

Spinal Cord Injury-Functional Index/Capacity: Responsiveness to Change Over Time.

Cost-Effectiveness of Hearing Screening in Older Adults: A Scoping Review.

Detecting change in community participation with the Enfranchisement scale of the community participation indicators.

Applying a Bookmarking Approach to Setting Clinically Relevant Interpretive Standards for the Spinal Cord Injury-Functional Index/Capacity Basic Mobility and Self-Care Item Bank Scores.

Physical Function Recovery Trajectories After Spinal Cord Injury.

Applying a Bookmarking Approach to Setting Clinically Relevant Interpretive Standards for the Spinal Cord Injury-Functional Index/Capacity Basic Mobility and Self-Care Item Bank Scores.

Physical Function Recovery Trajectories After Spinal Cord Injury.

Spinal Cord Injury-Functional Index/Capacity: Responsiveness to Change Over Time.

Employment Consequences of COVID-19 for People with Disabilities and Employers.


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Lessons Learned by Rehabilitation Counselors and Physicians in Services to COVID-19 Long-Haulers: A Qualitative Study

Heart rate variability as a biomarker of functional outcomes in persons with acquired brain injury: Systematic review and meta-analysis.

Psychometric Properties of the Infant Toddler Activity Card Sort.

Job Accommodations, Return to Work and Job Retention of People with Physical Disabilities: A Systematic Review.

Construct validity of the enfranchisement scale of the community participation indicators.

Motivators, goal setting, and helpful feedback for weight management among individuals with spinal cord injury.

Adult outcomes for children who sustained firearm-related spinal cord injuries.

Orthotists' and physical therapists' perspectives on quality of care indicators for persons with custom ankle-foot orthoses.

Effectiveness of Group Wheelchair Maintenance Training for People with Spinal Cord Injury: A Randomized Controlled Trial.

Implementing Patient-Reported Outcome Measures in Inpatient Rehabilitation: Challenges and Solutions.

Employment Resources for People with Parkinson's Disease: A Resource Review and Needs Assessment.

Content validity of the Brief and Comprehensive ICF Core Sets for common disabling conditions in a developing country.

Identifying Instruments to Assess Care Quality for Individuals With Custom Ankle Foot Orthoses: A Scoping Review.

Rasch Analysis of Social Attitude Barriers and Facilitators to Participation for Individuals with Disabilities.

Rehabilitation and COVID-19: a rapid living systematic review by Cochrane Rehabilitation Field updated as of December 31st, 2020 and synthesis of the scientific literature of 2020.

Measuring Activities of Daily Living in Stroke Patients with Motion Machine Learning Algorithms: A Pilot Study.

Clinician Perceptions of Robotic Exoskeletons for Locomotor Training After Spinal Cord Injury: A Qualitative Approach.

Microprocessor Controlled Knee Ankle Foot Orthosis (KAFO) vs Stance Control vs Locked KAFO: A Randomized Controlled Trial.

Fronto-cerebellar connectivity mediating cognitive processing speed.

Precision clinical trials: a framework for getting to precision medicine for neurobehavioural disorders.

Development of a Multidimensional, Multigroup Measure of Self-Care for Inpatient Rehabilitation.

Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Recommends Prospective Registration of Systematic Reviews.

Brain Injury Functional Outcome Measure (BI-FOM): A Single Instrument Capturing the Range of Recovery in Moderate-Severe Traumatic Brain Injury.

Inter-rater Reliability of Clinical Frailty Scores for Older Patients in the Emergency Department.


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Applying a Bookmarking Approach to Setting Clinically Relevant Interpretive Standards for the Spinal Cord Injury: Functional Index/Capacity Basic Mobility and Self-Care Item Bank Scores.

The impact of Geriatric Emergency Department Innovations (GEDI) on health services use, health related quality of life, and costs: Protocol for a randomized controlled trial.

Appraisals of robotic locomotor exoskeletons for gait: focus group insights from potential users with spinal cord injuries.

Users with spinal cord injury experience of robotic Locomotor exoskeletons: a qualitative study of the benefits, limitations, and recommendations.

Modified PRISM and SCI-SET Spasticity Measures for Persons With Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury: Results of a Rasch Analyses.

Using remote learning to teach clinicians manual wheelchair skills: a cohort study with pre- vs post-training comparisons.

Identifying Instruments to Assess Care Quality for Individuals with Custom Ankle Foot Orthoses: A Scoping Review.

Patient and Clinician Perspectives on Quality-of-Care Topics for Users of Custom Ankle-Foot Orthoses.

Systematic Review and Appraisal of the Cross-Cultural Validity of Functional Status Assessment Measures in Rheumatoid Arthritis.

The South Asian Healthy Lifestyle Intervention (SAHELI) trial: Protocol for a mixed-methods, hybrid effectiveness implementation trial for reducing cardiovascular risk in South Asians in the United States.

Understanding children with cerebral palsy and bullying: A mixed methods approach.

Appraisals of robotic locomotor exoskeletons for gait: focus group insights from potential users with spinal cord injuries.

Prosthesis satisfaction in a national sample of Veterans with upper limb amputation.

Rehabilitation Is a Global Health Priority.

Pragmatic adaptation of implementation research measures for a novel context and multiple professional roles: a factor analysis study.

Assessing whether ad hoc clinician-generated patient questionnaires provide psychometrically valid information.

A Review of CONSORT Guidelines About Comparison Groups With a Focused Discussion on Implications for Rehabilitation Clinical Trials.

The Randomized Controlled Trials Rehabilitation Checklist: Methodology of Development of a Reporting Guideline Specific to Rehabilitation.

Blinding in Rehabilitation Research: Empirical Evidence on the Association Between Blinding and Treatment Effect Estimates.

Budget impact analysis of robotic exoskeleton use for locomotor training following spinal cord injury in four SCI Model Systems.

Measuring Pain in TBI: Development of the TBI-QOL Pain Interference Item Bank and Short Form.

Development and Calibration of the TBI-QOL Ability to Participate in Social Roles and Activities and TBI-QOL Satisfaction With Social Roles and Activities Item Banks and Short Forms.


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2019 American College of Rheumatology Recommended Patient-Reported Functional Status Assessment Measures in Rheumatoid Arthritis.

Air Travel for People Who Use Wheelchairs: Survey Results

Wheelchair Backs That Support the Spinal Curves: Assessing Postural and Functional Changes

National Institutes of Health Toolbox Emotion Battery: Application of Summary Scores to Adults With Spinal Cord Injury, Traumatic Brain Injury, and Stroke.

Development of the TBI-QOL Headache Pain Item Bank and Short Form.

A Systematic Review and Appraisal of the Cross-Cultural Validity of Functional Status Assessments Measures in Rheumatoid Arthritis.

Effects of an Implementation Intervention to Promote Use of Patient-Reported Outcome Measures on Clinicians' Perceptions of Evidence-Based Practice, Implementation Leadership, and Team Functioning.

Racial and Ethnic Differences in Obesity in People With Spinal Cord Injury: The Effects of Disadvantaged Neighborhood.

Cognitive, Emotional, and Physical Functioning as Predictors of Paid Employment in People With Stroke, Traumatic Brain Injury, and Spinal Cord Injury.

Is it Possible to Collect Patient-Reported Data in Inpatient Rehabilitation Facilities?

Preferences for physical activity: a conjoint analysis involving people with chronic knee pain.

The Burden of Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury in the United States: Disability-Adjusted Life Years.


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Experience of Robotic Exoskeleton Use

Wheelchair Breakdowns Are Associated With Pain, Pressure Injuries, Rehospitalization, and Self-Perceived Health in Full-Time Wheelchair Users With Spinal Cord Injury.

Sensitivity of the SCI-FI/AT in Individuals With Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury.