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Participant in Clinical Trial

Clinical Trial

The Influence of Stroke on Reciprocal Control of the Stretch Reflex During Posture

IRB Protocol Number STU00009204


Maggie McDonough


The purpose of this research study is to better understand how a stroke changes our muscles' ability to maintain postures.

Participants will be asked to sit and contract their arm muscles while a motor applies small forces about their elbow.

Who Can Participate

  • Not taking any antispastic medication
  • No history of botox in the arm
  • No neurological diagnoses or musculoskeletal impairments unrelated to stroke
  • Available to come to the Shirley Ryan AbilityLab for one 2–3 hour session


Participants will be compensated:

  • $35 for healthy controls
  • $50 for stroke survivors

Age Range

35 - 70

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