C-STAR Webinar: Wearable Sensors & Machine Learning to Enhance Ability
Wearable sensors are playing a large role in the future of data collection both in the community and in clinical settings. They will give clinicians and researchers critical insights into the performance of their interventions and thereby lead to better patient outcomes. During this one hour on-demand C-STAR webinar, Dr. Cotton discusses what this technology means to the field of rehabilitation. He addresses outcome monitoring, as well as kinematics and electromyography, therapeutic use of sensors and assistive technology.
James Cotton, MD, PhD
Physiatrists, Researchers and other clinicians interested in using technology to measure outcomes in a rehabilitation population
Note: You will have three months from the date of purchase to complete and review the course material. You will receive a reminder email two weeks before the expiration date.
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:
- List three broad domains/objectives for which wearable sensors can be used in rehabilitation.
- Identify the name of an emerging technique to track movements from regular video and how might this be useful clinically.
- Identify the term for games designed to further rehabilitation objectives.
Webinar Planning Committee Members & Disclosure Information: Rebecca Bagdy, MBA – States she has nothing to disclose
Speakers, Moderators and Panelists’ Disclosure Information: James Cotton, MD, PhD - States he has nothing to disclose
FSM’s CME Leadership and Staff: Clara Schroedl, MD, Medical Director of CME Has nothing to disclose. Sheryl Corey, CME Director has nothing to disclose. Allison McCollum, Senior Program Coordinator has nothing to disclose. Rhea Alexis Banks, Administrative Assistant 2 has nothing to disclose.