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Back to College After a Traumatic Brain Injury
Brett suffered a severe TBI after a skiing accident. Through our Amicous Program, daily speech therapy and inpatient care he walked out of the hospital.
Patient Story
When Punishment Doesn’t Fit the Crime
Research Reveals Traumatic Brain Injury Patients Struggle with Discipline in Social, Family and Work Life
Defining trajectories of linguistic, cognitive-communicative and quality of life outcomes in aphasia
Using certain characteristics as predictors, This study describes trajectories of linguistic, cognitive-communicative, and health-related QoL outcomes.
Research Project
College Students Take Longer to Recover from a Concussion
It takes 7-14 days to recover from a concussion. Researchers questioned if it takes longer in college students who find it difficult to find time to recover.
Brain Injury Recovery
People from all over the world seek our 60 years’ experience in treating the most complex traumatic brain injuries and illnesses.
Dr. Grafman Featured Guest on Epilepsy Podcast and Videocast
Jordan Grafman, PhD discussed research and treatment of post-traumatic epilepsy after traumatic brain injury in military veterans on Seizing Life Podcast.
Executive Function and Social Cognition
Research covers decision making, reward process, reasoning, action planning, response inhibition, metacognition, social judgment & pro-social/empathic behavior.
Research Project
In the Neuroplasticity laboratory, we are interested in examining the changes in neuroplasticity that follow neurocognitive and neurostimulation-based interventions in both healthy individuals and those with brain injuries.
Research Project
The Neurostimulation laboratory is currently pursuing multiple studies using various neurostimulation techniques, including transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) and high-definition tDCS (HD-tDCS).
Research Project
"I am Determined" Michelle Clemens' Miracle Journey
"I am determined." Has been Michelle's mantra after May 11, 2017, when a debilitating headache led her father to rush her to the hospital.
Patient Story
Neuroscientists Are Searching for God in Our Gray Matter
Jordan Grafman, director of brain injury research at the Shirley Ryan AbilityLab, and other neuro-scientists have been curious about the neural basis of faith.
Efficacy of a Telehealth Pain Self-Management Intervention
The E-TIPS trial will evaluate an evidence-based, telehealth pain self-management intervention compared to standard care (a waitlist) for chronic pain in adults with physical disabilities who are employed
Age Range
Clinical Trial