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The Rehabilitation Measures Database (RMD) and Shirely Ryan AbilityLab are happy to share additional third-party and other industry resources that may be useful in your testing and research.  



PTNow: The American Physical Therapy Association’s PTNow.org is a clinician website that provides evidence-informed content for use in patient care. This member site contains clinical summaries on physical therapist management of specific conditions in specific patient populations, summaries on the use of tests in patients with specific conditions, downloadable tests, video demonstrations of techniques, links to full-text clinical practice guidelines relevant to physical therapy, and other evidence resources.

American Physical Therapy Association Neurology Section Outcome Measure Recommendations: The Neurology Section of the American Physical Therapy Association is developing recommendations for outcome measure use in clinical practice and entry level physical therapist education.  Recommendations for clinical use are categorized by practice settings: acute care hospital, in-patient rehabilitation, home health, skilled nursing facility, and out-patient as well as by acuity level.  Recommendations for entry level PT education are characterized as those that students should learn to administer, should be exposed to, or are not recommended. Measures are categorized as being appropriate for research purposes on a yes/no basis. Currently, the Section has completed recommendations for use of outcome measures in people with stroke.

American Psychological Association Guidelines for Measurement-Based Care: The American Psychological Association offers an overview of the components of measurement-based care in psychology with case examples and additional resources. 

Centre for Evidence-Based Physiotherapy: The Center for Evidence-Based Physiotherapy searches, collects and disseminates scientific evidence about physical therapy for physiotherapists and other health care workers, patients and health care payers. This website contains over 2500 freely available whitepapers.

Center for Outcome Measurement in Brain Injury: The Center for Outcome Measurement in Brain Injury website provides information about instruments used to assess individuals with brain injury.  Instrument information provided includes background, administration and scoring guidelines, training and testing materials, scale properties, references, and frequently asked questions. Instrument rating forms for nonproprietary instruments are usually available for download. Background and contact information is provided for proprietary instruments.

ETS Test Link (psychological measures): The ETS includes a database of over 25,000 tests that were created by other authors.  The website includes information on standardized tests and research instruments. Tests from the United States and other countries, such as Canada, Great Britain and Australia, are included.  

Evidence Based Review of Moderate to Severe Acquired Brain Injury (outcome measures chapter): The Evidence-Based Review of Moderate To Severe Acquired Brain Injury provides an evidence-based review of acquired brain injury rehabilitation literature. Current literature is synthesized into a free, utilizable format.

Evidence Based Review of Stroke Rehabilitation (outcome measures chapter):The Evidence Based Review of Stroke Rehabilitation provides in-depth reviews of literature relevant for stroke rehabilitation.  The website makes recommendations for stroke rehabilitation based on the strength of the literature.  Information is free and can easily be downloaded from the website.

Geriatric Assessment Tool Kit: The University of Missouri School of Health Professions Department of Physical Therapy website has a number of instruments available for download.  Instruments are briefly summarized and can be used to assess older individuals undergoing rehabilitation. 

Health Measurement Research Group: The Health Measures Research Group evaluates widely used health measures and their strengths and limitations.   The website has a suggested list of tools that are summarized that can be used to track changes in public’s health.

Higher Education Academy Psychology Network: The Higher Education Academy database contains over 1500 public domain tests for use by both undergraduate and postgraduate level students in their research work.

List of Assisted Living and Nursing Homes: The CNA classes near me website has compiled a list of nursing homes and assisted living facilities organized by state. They also provide an interactive map.

Minnesota Falls Prevention: The Minnesota Falls Prevention website provides information for both adults and professionals to help reduce falls. The website provides information designed to prevent falls and information about instruments that can assist in identifying balance problems and fall risk.

Orthopedic Scores: The Orthopaedic Scores website provides free Information about instruments that can be used to assess individuals with musculoskeletal conditions.  The website can also be used to calculate scores on the tests, and allows the user to PDF and print test results.

PARQoL: The Participation and Quality of life (PAR-QoL) Tool-Kit is an educational resource to support SCI clinicians and researchers with the outcome tool selection process.  The website provides information about which QoL and participation outcome tools have been used to assess secondary health conditions, and details: 1) whether the tools are sensitive to secondary health condition impact; 2) whether they are psychometrically and/or clinically sound (valid, reliable) for use in the SCI population; and 3) the underlying QoL construct of each measure (Description taken from PARQoL.com). 

Physical Activity Resource Center for Public Health: The physical activity resource center for public health maintains a diverse collection of physical activity assessment (subjective and objective) tools and intervention materials that have been used and published in the literature.

PsycTESTS: The American Psychological Association is developing a new research database called PsycTESTS. The website is expected to debut in 2011, and will offer information about psychological tests and measures.

RAND Healthcare Surveys and Tools: This website includes a listing of many practical surveys and tools produced by RAND. All of the surveys from RAND Health are public documents, available without charge (for non-commercial purposes).

Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation Evidence (outcome measures chapter): The Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation Evidence provides a synthesis of research evidence investigating rehabilitation interventions and outcome measures in spinal cord injury.  The information on the website is free to access and download. 
Stroke Engine: Stroke Engine provides free information about interventions and outcome measurements that can be used stroke rehabilitation   General summaries are created from research articles, websites and systematic reviews.

The Advanced Practice Nursing Data Collection Toolkit: A Compendium of Research Tools: The Advanced Practice Nursing Data Collection Toolkit is a compendium of tools used in advanced practice nursing and research.  Instrument summaries are included that describe psychometric properties, studies that have used the tool, author contact information and a PDF of the tool (when available).

Transport Accident Commission: The Transport Accident Commission was established by the Australian government to facilitate the treatment of people injured in automobile accidents.  The Clinical Resources page provides information and resources considered useful to clinical practice, including information on clinical justification, outcome measures and other related links.

NINDS Common Data Elements: NINDS Common Data Elements provides a platform that allows clinical investigators to collect, analyze and share data.  The database currently includes a number if disorders including Stroke, spinal Cord Injury and Traumatic Brain Injury as well as several others.

The Defense Centers of Excellence (DCoE): The DC0E provides a variety of resources including the Co-occurring Conditions Toolkit: Mild Traumatic Brain Injury and Psychological Health and a Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Pocket Guide along with blogs, podcasts and links.

TIME: The Toolkit of Instruments to Measure End-of-life Care. A selection of measures designed to assess quality of care at the end of life.

Psychometric Laboratory for Health Sciences at Leeds University: Several outcomes measures are provided to registered users. Measures inlcude The Leeds Multiple Sclerosis Quality of Life scale, The Rheumatoid Arthritis Work Instability Scale and the The Ankylosing Spondylitis Quality of Life Scale among others.

Orthopaedicscores.com:    "A free Information and Calculation Service, Designed for Orthopaedic Surgeons, Physicians, Physical Therapists, Osteopaths, Chiropractors and Patients"

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