Wheelchair Tennis



May - September


Kyle Hitzelberg
312-238-5005 or khitzelber@sralab.org


Tennis can be adapted so that everyone can participate in the sport. Shirley Ryan AbilityLab offers adaptive tennis for athletes of any age or physical ability.

Wheelchair Tennis


Wheelchair tennis gives individuals with different abilities the opportunity to participate in activities with their peers and family, regardless of level of mobility.

To qualify for wheelchair tennis, players have a medically diagnosed mobility-related disability. Proficient wheelchair users can play and actively compete against stand-up players. The rules for wheelchair tennis are the same as standard tennis rules, except the ball may bounce twice for a wheelchair player.

Both programs below are offered on the same program day.

Adaptive Tennis


Adaptive tennis for non-wheelchair using athletes includes, but is not limited to, individuals with multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy, traumatic brain injury, stroke, hemiplegia, arthritis, limb differences, cerebral palsy, amputations and hearing and visual impairments. These conditions and their physical symptoms vary but typically involve a degree of muscular, skeletal or joint impairment that affects the athlete’s mobility to play the sport.

There is no classification or qualification restrictions to play adaptive tennis. Considerations and adaptations are made for each player such as using tactile components for individuals with visual impairments, shortening the court or using larger tennis balls and allowing the two-bounce rule that is used in the wheelchair variation of the sport.

Adaptive standing players can also play with no modifications and train to compete against players who do not have disabilities.

Get Connected


Learn more about this program and get connected, contact Kyle Hitzelberg at 312-238-5005 or khitzelber@sralab.org.

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