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Clinical Trial

Determining the neural and biomechanical contributions to age-dependent impairments in balance control

IRB Protocol Number STU00213839


Kristen Jakubowski


The purpose of this study is to understand how muscles control the ankle and how individuals respond to unexpected perturbations at the ankle. Sensors that measure muscle activity will be attached to your skin. We will use an ultrasound to image ankle musculature. You will be asked to sit in a chair while a robotic device moves your ankle. We aim to understand how individuals control their ankles and how aging can impact that control.

There are two main objectives of this study: 1) to measure how the muscles that surround the ankle contribute how stiff (resisting movement) the ankle is and 2) to determine how that stiffness contributes to the response to an unexpected disturbance.

Who Can Participate

Healthy individuals who older than 18


Provided upon participation

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